PCT Home> Period:2019 - January Continuing> Report: Cavalier Johnson

Political Contributions Tracker

Mayor Cavalier Johnson (right) and Police Chief Jeffrey Norman address the city's record homicide total. Photo by Jeramey Jannene.

Cavalier Johnson

Period:2019 - January Continuing

Amount Raised: $2,500

Total Contributions: 16

Average Contribution: $156

Median Contribution: $100

View Report Submitted to Election Commmission

Date Name Amount 一生所有候选人 Personnel File
Jul 1, 2018 Amandeep Lehal $250 $250
Jul 1, 2018 Gurpreet Singh $500 $2,300
Sep 9, 2018 Gary Goyke $200 $4,967
Nov 30, 2018 Joseph Devorkin $100 $100
Nov 30, 2018 Jason Childress $100 $1,700
Dec 11, 2018 Karen Gotzler $250 $4,239
Dec 11, 2018 Karen Gotzler $250 $4,239
Dec 13, 2018 Tom Gauthier $100 $425
Dec 18, 2018 Mohammad Amir $150 $5,100
Dec 18, 2018 Darius Wright $25 $718
Dec 18, 2018 Habib Manjee $100 $7,500
Dec 18, 2018 Derek Mosley $25 $155
Dec 18, 2018 Carl Mueller $100 $5,520
Dec 18, 2018 Bob Peterson $50 $850
Dec 18, 2018 Surjit Singh $200 $300
Dec 18, 2018 Balvir Singh $100 $2,000

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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.

Interested in helping digitize old reports? Email us at info@UrbanMilwaukee.com
