





唐·斯迈利将在2023年底回归。Sarah Smith Pancheri被任命为总统。



Harbor House每英亩湖滨土地的价格至少是Summerfest的7倍。










综述:更多的OIC - George联系

更多OIC - George Connections

尽管Gary George和OIC-GM之间的关系有很好的记录,特别是那些导致George、Mark Sostarich和Carl Gee被定罪的文件,但最近公布的审计信息和其他来源文件表明,也许OIC-George之间的关系需要进一步调查。没有人指控任何人有不当行为,但也许调查人员应该对乔治和与他有关的人的交易进行更深入的挖掘,哪怕只是为了消除任何怀疑的迹象,让无辜者披上外衣。以Todd Robert Murphy, OIC-GM和Gary George之间的关系为例。墨菲最近解除了与OIC-GM的公共关系合同,由Martin Schreiber和Associates公司接替。最近对OIC-GM账目的审计显示,OIC-GM向墨菲的TRM营销顾问公司支付的款项是“不允许的费用”,威斯康星州的保罗·施泰伯(Paul Steiber)说。在这两个月里,墨菲每月从OIC-GM获得4000美元。这是里昂·托德所说的“轻松的咨询工作”吗?托德说墨菲在《牧羊人快报》(有趣的是,在非裔美国人社区的报纸上)捏造的关于OIC-GM的封面故事“不足以”保住他的工作。根据审计,OIC-GM未获授权用W2资金聘请公关顾问。道德委员会并没有对墨菲的公司多年来获得的资金数额进行完整的统计。 The board was investigating “direct” payments, and Murphy’s were considered “indirect.” According to John Becker of the Ethics Board, the payments to Todd Robert Murphy’s firm “were not something we focused on.” Nor has the board “seen any checks,” from OIC-GM to Murphy, he said. One wonders if the State of Wisconsin Ethics Board should have done a better job reviewing its own documents, for the Statements of Economic Interests filed by George for the years 1999-2001 show that George received more than $1,000 per year from Murphy’s firm. It would be interesting to know how much exactly per year Murphy sent to George, and what he got in exchange. George also reported receiving funds from Petrie and Stocking, the firm that employed Mark Sostarich, who gave George kickbacks from OIC funds. George also received money from Coleman & Williams, Ltd., an accounting firm. Coleman & Williams also received money from OIC – to conduct an audit of the OIC books. Isn’t it odd that an accounting firm that received money from OIC-GM would also, coincidentally, be sending more than $1,000 per year to George, who was systematically swindling OIC-GM out of money, with the connivance of Carl Gee, the group’s director, and Mark Sostarich, the Petrie and Stocking lawyer? Bill Coleman, of the accounting firm, said the relationship was quite innocent, and that he had hired Gary George to do unspecified legal work for his firm. Since many aspects of attorney-client relationships are privileged, we’ll have to take his word for it. Still, workers at the Ethics Board, the United […]



没有铁锹就不是真正的动工,所以公共工程部的Cecelia Gilbert带来了五把常用的,尽管是仪式用的铁锹,参加了5月27日星期四庆祝霍尔顿有袋动物桥开工的活动。殷勤的政要们察觉到这是拍照的机会,便抓起铁锹,假装把铁锹挖进霍尔顿高架桥下面的沥青路面。市长汤姆·巴雷特(Tom Barrett)在参加女儿的钢琴独奏会之前也出席了仪式。其他客人包括阿尔德。迈克尔·s·达马托,阿尔德。小迈克尔·i·麦基,主管格里·布罗德里克和詹姆斯·怀特,以及前州参议员布莱恩·伯克。朱莉·科勒(Julilly Kohler)是这次活动的司仪,她的发言很低调,但她成功地说出了所有帮助她实现梦想的人的名字。这其中包括“来自第五选区的前国会议员”,布莱恩·伯克这样称呼他的小学老朋友汤姆·巴雷特,他在担任市长期间第一次为一个公共工程项目提供了仪式用的铁铲。建筑师James Dallman和他的妻子Grace La也在现场,还有Mathew P. Tharaniyil, P.E.和Yakov N. Nenaydykh,另一位P.E.。他们分别是总统和Bloom咨询公司的副总裁,他们是横跨霍尔顿高架桥项目的工程师,这个悬空的“有袋动物”桥是一条自行车和行人通道,将提供布雷迪街社区和湖畔啤酒厂及其周围的啤酒线“B”社区之间的等级通道。威斯康辛州交通部长弗兰克·布萨拉奇(Frank Busalacchi)和隆达建筑公司(Lunda Construction)的任何代表都没有参加这次活动。 Lunda appears to be a publicity-averse organization. The firm has expressed a reservation about having webcams at the construction site, saying they might reveal some “trade secrets” of the mysterious, arcane art of bridge building. Good heavens! It’s a bridge, not a plutonium refinery. Also missing from the event was Whitney Gould, although you wouldn’t have known it from the article she managed to write about it for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the next morning. She reported, correctly, that the Mayor was there, in an otherwise generic story composed of previously reported items. Sonya Jongsma-Knauss and Vince Bushell of the Riverwest Currents were there. The sole representative of the electronic media was Channel 58. Afterwards, the crowd of 100 or so headed up to the Lakefront Brewery Palm Garden where owner Russ Klisch turned on the taps. Earlier that day, a stressed Russ was trying to get his new bottling machine to behave. Even so, it still chewed up a few bottles as it went through its shakedown cruise. Sales manager Paul Moebius said things are going well at the brewery – maybe too well. “We’re running out of beer!” he said. Last year’s sales were 5,000 barrels, and this year the brewery could hit 7,000 barrels. This is better than 2 […]



别给伊利诺伊州诺斯布鲁克的肯尼迪美术公司打电话了。不要试图留言,因为语音信箱已经满了。当然,原因很容易理解——根据一位监狱发言人的说法,自5月7日起,艺术品交易商詹姆斯·f·肯尼迪(James F. Kennedy)就被关押在密尔沃基县监狱,不得保释。看来,他至少要在那里待到5月18日的听证会。(根据威斯康星州巡回法院资料,肯尼迪的犯罪发生在5月10日。)根据法令976.03(13)“引渡-在征用前逮捕”,他被指控犯有重罪。密尔沃基世界网站两周前告诉你有个人试图在密尔沃基地区兜售毕加索的赝品。虽然肯尼迪是因与此无关的州外逮捕令而被拘留的,但他就是那个试图在我们社区贩卖假货的家伙。显然,警方没有足够的证据来指控他在这件事上犯罪——仅仅拥有赝品不是犯罪,而且没有足够的证据表明他曾试图出售这些艺术品,他们说——肯尼迪的面包车和大约300件据称是赝品的艺术品一起被查获。他是在密尔沃基街被捕的,来自伊利诺伊州的诺斯布鲁克。肯尼迪是否是赝品的作者令人怀疑,他很可能是一个更大的艺术品诈骗团伙中的一员。 So, just to remind you once again, if you have purchased any “Picasso” drawings in the last couple of weeks, contact a reputable art dealer or law enforcement authorities. Kennedy was born on May 17, 1957, so it looks like he will be spending his birthday in jail. Concordia Gets Bush President George W. Bush visited the Ozaukee County megalopolis of Mequon Thursday to deliver the commencement address at Concordia University at the Lutheran school’s very secure lakeside campus. Milwaukeeworld correspondent Patrick C. Horne, a Mequon resident, was at the intersection of Port Washington Road and Highland Road where Bush supporters and detractors hoped the presidential motorcade would pass. Of course, it didn’t, since the president’s motorcade traveled along Lake Shore Drive, far removed from the supporters, detractors, and reality. “We’ve got protestors on one side and the republicans on the other side,” Horne said via cellular telephone while awaiting the motorcade’s non-arrival. “We’ve got TV people on the other side, we’ve got Secret Service, we’ve got Germantown, Milwaukee, Ozaukee County, all sorts of people, all sorts of squads, all sorts of everything. Now, the mystery is which way he’s going to come in. I hope they take our President on LSD.” [Editor’s note: LSD is Mequon slang for Lakeshore Drive.] According to Horne, there was a good deal of “ranting and raving back and forth” between the President’s supporters and detractors. “’Give him four more years.’ ‘No, give him five more months,’” they chanted, he said. “Lot of Republicans,” Horne said. “’Oh! I forgot my flag!’ ‘Oh! Don’t they have anything better to do […]



大卫·里默举办了一场募捐会和艺术品拍卖会以推进他的县长竞选。密尔沃基艺术与设计学院(Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design)是展览的举办地,超过100人前来观看(圭多·布林克(Guido Brink)的回顾展),并在3月8日与候选人会面。酒会上有美酒,食物或许是今年大规模竞选活动中最美味的。零食包括鹰嘴豆泥和各种精心准备的蔬菜奶酪。每个人都不得不闭上嘴听候选人的简短演讲。Riemer在这方面做得越来越好,不像其他竞选总统甚至市长的候选人,他能够以一种合理的自发程度调整信息以迎合他的听众。MIAD的观众了解到,Riemer有两个兄弟都是演员,妈妈也是。在大学(作为一名本科生)他学习诗歌。“艺术不仅仅是一个附加的东西。艺术对于大都市来说是必不可少的。 It is essential to its success.” No argument from the crowd on that account. Marvin Pratt showed up, and that created a mild buzz for a while. Riemer campaign guru Bill Christofferson wants us all to know that his candidate’s “Last Blast” fundraiser will be held in Turner Hall on March 23rd, 5-7 p.m. The Riemer campaign sent out a news release encouraging its supporters to cast absentee ballots. Election Day, April 6th is Passover, he reminds us. It is also a time when many of us might be out of town on Spring break. Riemer would appreciate it if we voted before fleeing this miserable weather. It is all about turnout, at this point. Molly Christofferson, Bill’s daughter, did campaign work for Sandy Folaron. She now works for Marvin Pratt. Strange bedfellows. Bob Weiss held a fundraiser for Acting Mayor Pratt March 10th, at his restaurant, Shakers, 422 S. Second St. He sent me a note: “Clueless staffers, no signage, no promo materials, NO candidate, when promised 6-8 p.m. for His fundraiser.” Weiss said the event coordinator “sat by self in back corner, left after an hour. Some big hitter clients of mine left in disgust since Marvin not there. … Overall, hardly our greatest political experience.” Weiss is planning a solstice party this week (good timing), with plenty of food and booze. Forget the politics! Unopposed and Raising Money: Musings on the Common Council Presidency It is tough to draw a crowd in an election year when you have no opponent, and it’s nice for a candidate to not have to sweat his election. “I only hold one fundraiser a year and this is it,” said Ald. Michael Murphy at Derry Hegarty’s Pub, an event that perhaps saw about 75 people. The event was Thursday, March 11th, close enough to St. Patrick’s Day, which is appropriate since Murphy claims to be of Irish heritage. Since the money wasn’t absolutely necessary, and since the candidate seemed destined to win, the fundraiser easily lurched into its secondary […]



约翰·o·诺奎斯特(John O. Norquist)在担任市长的最后几天谈论了对他重要的事情。(他的遗产不是其中之一。)还有,那个在1992年有可能击败他的人——还有,芝加哥的新工作
