
Content referencing Dana Brueck

Op-Ed: Why Disciplined Government Workers Should Be Named

Why Disciplined Government Workers Should Be Named

Some state agencies resist, but Journal Sentinel editorial page editor David Haynes argues the public is better served by full disclosure.

Part 1: Diploma Mills Prey on Milwaukee’s Adult Students
Part 1

Diploma Mills Prey on Milwaukee’s Adult Students

Online high schools promise GEDs, but deliver worthless sheets of paper. Part I of series.

Bill Requiring Background Check On Gun Buyers Won’t Pass

Bill Requiring Background Check On Gun Buyers Won’t Pass

92% of poll respondents favor it, but a high percentage of Wisconsin legislators disagree.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Announces Settlements Worth $310 Million for DRAM Memory Chips
Press Release

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Announces Settlements Worth $310 Million for DRAM Memory Chips

Consumers who purchased computers, printers, video game consoles, or other electronic devices with DRAM memory could get money from settlements.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors

Walker’s office gets to choose the attorneys defending John Chisholm and company from a federal suit.

How Liars Jail the Innocent

How Liars Jail the Innocent

State laws have no standards on police informants, whose wrongful testimony can put innocent people behind bars.

A Frail System: New State Law Conceals Nursing Home Violations
A Frail System

New State Law Conceals Nursing Home Violations

Tort reform puts residents at risk, and makes criminal prosecutions of abuse and neglect more difficult, critics say.
