






综述:Lautenschlager 's Mess


上周,司法部长佩格·劳滕施拉格因酒驾被捕,被禁止驾驶她的国有汽车一年,而州长吉姆·多伊尔则坐上了驾驶座。两人曾私下就州长就业法案的条款争吵,劳滕施拉格威胁要利用她的权力确保法律符合该州的环境法规,而她暗示法律并不符合。司法部长采取这种独立行动在威斯康辛州并不新鲜。道尔是该法案的主要实践者,但话说回来,他是民主党人,而当时的州长是共和党人。媒体注意到Doyle建议Lautenschlager放弃她的一些薪水,作为对她的不检点行为的一种忏悔,这件事目前仍未解决。Doyle还建议Lautenschlager考虑加入一个治疗问题饮酒者的项目。他说,他有很多朋友也有类似的情况,这种治疗对他们有帮助。事实上,公开承认罪行和责任(Lautenschlager所做的)通常伴随着立即承认问题的存在。然后,受试者通常会迅速进入治疗程序并完成治疗,之后就会忘记这件事。Lautenschlager到目前为止还没有承认这一点,这让她处于要么没有“问题”,要么“否认”的境地。 It does leave Doyle high and dry, however, and much less likely to face interference in his plans from that peskiest of all politicians – an ambitious Attorney General. Walker at the War Memorial County Executive Scott Walker welcomed about 100 well-clad guests to a fundraiser February 26th at the War Memorial Center. The strictly upper-crust affair was a Republican-type fundraiser, which meant that hard liquor was consumed (in moderation) and beer, for the most part, was ignored. For those fans of the frothy stuff, Walker offered Miller products and Heineken. Food was by Ellen’s Prestige Catering, and included strolling waiters, another classy touch. Menu items included spinach somethings, meat and melted cheese on sandwich rounds, wrapped up little salmon tidbits, an entirely unsuccessful raspberry-brie tart, platters of some kind of 21st century sandwich product along with perfectly delicious fruit. The event was unmarred by public oratory, but was enhanced by an A-list of locals practicing up for the next time Bush is in town. Among the exalted: George Dalton, Dennis Kuester (on crutches), Michael Cudahy, mourning the recent death of Daniel Urban Kiley, creator of the $4 million Cudahy garden outside the adjacent Milwaukee Art Museum, Fred Luber, Tim Hoeksma, Carol Skornicka, John Finerty, Jim Weichmann, Joe Rice, Mary Buestrin, Corey Hoze and developer Mark Irgens. Hoze has secured speaker Dennis Hastert to appear at a $2000 fundraiser on his hopeless behalf in his upcoming congressional campaign. That’s rich. Marvin Pratt popped in and worked the crowd for about 20 minutes before his cop told him it was time to […]
